Friday, 3 October 2014

40k GT Heat 1 Tournament Report! Part 1

Welcome to my first Tournament Report!
This was the first of 3 qualifying heats for the UK's annual independent 40k GT. I was running my Eldar list and was feeling quite prepared. Going into the event, my primary goal was naturally qualifying, however a top 10 finish would also be nice. I thought that the best record for this would be at least 4 wins, and at least 60 points out of a possible 120 for gaming.

I've got battle reports from every match, although due to the strict time limit I wasn't able to get turn-by-turn photos for most of my games.

I had seen the list of players beforehand, and knew it would be a tough heat, but upon arrival on Saturday it really sunk in. There were at least 6 ETC players in a field of only 26 players, including the current European Singles Champion with the infamous "Beast Council" death star build (Gas Jones). There was only 1 other Beast Pack (Paul Burke), but there was a Screamer Council (Matt Edmonds), a couple of Taudar/Eldau lists and at least 5 Serpent Spam builds. The Round 1 draws were included in the mission booklets, and I awaited my first opponent...

Game 1: Matt Robertson's (Team Wales ETC Captain) Tau/Imperial Knights "Pacific Rim".
Matt's list was the following, the infamous "Pacific Rim" army from the East Coast of America:

Primary- Farsight Tau
3 Crisis, Bonded, No Weapons
1 Crisis, Bonded, No Weapon
1 Crisis, Bonded, No Weapon
Riptide, Ion Accelerator, Early Warning Override
Riptide, Ion Accelerator
Allied- Adamantine Lance Formation
3 Imperial Knights: 2 with Battle Cannons and 1 with Melta Cannon, as far as I remember.

The game was Big Guns Never Tire/Tactical Escalation on Hammer & Anvil.

Pre Game
What a first draw! This was a great way to get started. Adamantine Lance is a really strong formation, allowing Knights to reroll failed charges and Ion Shield rolls if they're within 3" of another Knight. I did a post about this sort of army not long ago though, so I wasn't feeling that bad about the match.

Deployment Matt wins the roll-off and deploys first. He spends a whole 2 minutes setting his 3 Knights up in a line and putting 2 Riptides down behind them, declaring everything else in reserves.
My counter deployment was similarly brief, hiding everything behind the big blocking pieces of terrain. My Wraithknight got to Infiltrate, and did so just clipping the big piece to get a 4+ cover save (we agreed to play it like ruins).

 Game Turn 1
Matt went first, firing pie plates galore down the field to try and chip hull points and wounds. After his shooting is done I lose 1 wound on the Wraithknight and a hull point on each of the red and orange Serpents.
With my return fire, the Night Spinners chip 2 hull points from the centre Knight, the barrage avoiding the Ion Shields. The rest of my shooting chips another 1 hull point from the centre Knight, reducing it to 3. My Wraithknight then assaults, and smashes the Knight into pieces before it can D-saw me in half! I'll almost certainly lose it next round, but I'm happy to trade it to kill 1 Knight and get First Strike.

 Game Turn 2
Matt's Knights combine to take down my Wraithknight for Warlord. The Riptides continue to send pie plates down field, but don't achieve anything meaningful.
In my turn I manage to get in the side arc of 1 Knight and reduce it to a single hull point! The other gets dropped to 5...
Not such an intense turn, but I start spreading out to form a U-shape, surrounding the Knights and getting in as many arcs as possible. A crisis suit arrives and is misplaces into the bottom left corner, while the Ethereal hides behind a big column at the back. My hawks hide behind the column in the middle, ready to Haywire any nearby Knights.
Matt has built up a good lead on the Secondary by this point, but I've still got a chance at the Primary and Tertiary.

Pacific Rim Turn 3
The badly damaged Knight gets down the field, blowing up the yellow Serpent and assaulting the unit inside. Unfortunately he gets to make Stomp attacks, taking out 4 of the Hawks too...
The Riptides finish off the red Serpent, while the final Knight shoots across at the other Serpents to no effect.

 Eldar Turn 3
I need a plan to deal with both Knights this turn, setting me up with 2 more turns to kill the Riptides and win the mission. After 4 of the Hawks died, I need them and the Fire Dragons to kill the 5 HP Knight. Attempting to clear a path, the Night Spinner decides to Ram first Knight... and succeeds! Boom! It blows up a Swooping Hawk, but this is fine by me. This clears a path for the FIre Dragons to get to the other Knight, and with an Explodes result are able to take it out. Suddenly this game is going very well. I then start shooting Riptides, doing a wound.
I've almost certainly won the Primary Mission now, and I'm closing in on Matt's Secondary score too.

 Game Turn 4
The Crisis suits all arrive and try to grab objectives, but start losing numbers to my firepower. Dire Avengers start Bladestorming Riptides, and they start losing wounds. My Hawk jumps and gets ready to pummel the Ethereal.
After the turn, Matt has 3 Crisis suits left and 2 Riptides with 5 wounds between them.

Game Turn 6
Due to time, I could only get a picture at the end of the game.
Turn 5 involved Matt grabbing a couple of Objectives, but my Serpents flying into to contest with ObSec. I also finished off a Riptide. The Hawk came in behind the Ethereal and took his first wound.
At this point, I was winning the Primary and Tertiary, but Matt had the Secondary. However, the game continued...
Turn 6, Matt killed a Serpent in melee with a Crisis suit and he attempted to Nova Jump into my deployment zone for Linebreaker, but failed. In my turn, I killed everything except for the final Riptide, who was sat on 1 wound!
We then timed out- I won the Primary and Tertiary Missions, while Matt took the Secondary, for a 14-6 win for me!

Post Game
What a match! I was really pleased to get a positive result from the game, especially as he went on to win the tournament with only 1 loss and 5 more wins. I think I played quite well to get around the Ion Shield, but I did get a bit lucky with the Ram attack! I could have played the Maelstrom Missions better, but I was pretty focused on killing the robots. On reflection, not winning 20-0 was a blessing, as it meant I could avoid a top-table game the next round. Overall Matt and I had a great game, and it really put me in a good mood for the rest of the event.

Game 2
This time I was matched against a player from my club, Rich Lewis, He had the following Daemons/Chaos Space Marines list:

The game was Kill Points/Cleanse and Control on Vanguard Strike.

Pre Game
Rich's plan seemed pretty clear- rush with the Hounds, while they had the Grimoire and Invisibility to protect them. Multi-assault a load of vehicles at once and then mop up. Luckily we had Kill Points, so Rich couldn't really summon. My counter strategy was simple- tie up the dogs with the Wraithknight, challenge out his Herald and then kill the rest of his army.

Daemons Turn 1
The Hounds rush up with the Grimoire and Invisibility as expected. The Screamers/Fateweaver/Belakor come up the other side. Rich's turn is otherwise quiet, as he doesn't get First Strike.

Eldar Turn 1
I position the Wraithknight far from the Herald, ready to avoid his attacks. He jumps into assault and kills 1 dog, taking no wounds back from the Str 4 Hounds, and the Herald is out of range to attack.
Meanwhile the rest of my army focuses down the Screamers for First Strike- despite Shrouding  from Belakor granting them a 2+ reroll cover save, the Serpent Shields take them all out.

Daemons Turn 2
Rich's Cultists and Heldrake arrive from reserve, but do little damage. Fateweaver's Beam power immobilises a green Serpent and kills the purple Night Spinner! One squad of backfield Horrors turn themselves into a Lord of Change. In melee, the Wraithknight challenges out the Herald, survives the "6s to wound are Instant Death" attacks, then stamps him into the floor with Str 10 attacks. Now I can tie up the dogs all game with him, so I'm feeling pretty good.

There's no picture from the Eldar Turn 3. One Serpent shot at Belakor and did 2 wounds, while the others made various Snap Shots at the Heldrake to no effect. My Hawks arrived and killed 8 of the Cultists, and the survivors ran off the board.

By this point I'm winning 3-1 on Kill Points and have a strong lead in the Maelstrom mission too. I also have First Strike and Rich can't get my Warlord, so it's going well.

Rich's Turn 3 onwards
Fateweaver flies around and beams the Yellow Serpent, then kills the squad with Flickering Fire. He ends up trying to beam more tanks but can't manage it. His Lord of Change glides into the centre of the board, does little damage, and then gets the Serpent treatment. The red Serpent also takes out the Heldrake. Belakor drops to the floor, and assaults the green Serpent on Turn 5. It explodes, then the squad lose 2 men and fall back off the board for a 2 point swing! We thought this tied the scores at the time at 5-5, but looking back I think it was actually 6-5. My last turn was a mad dash to kill a squad of Horrors that I thought I needed for the win, and despite Rich passing his first 10 saves, I was able to kill off a squad for a 6-5 (actually 7-5) win.

End Of Game
Everything has moved up to tackle the Horrors in the back right corner. 1 dog is left in melee with the Wraithknight!

Post Game
That was close! The Wraithknight was pretty clutch this game, tying up the Dog Rush for the whole game. Rich's psychic phase was brutal, including a couple of times casting Invisibility on 2 dice! Still, I was able to win all 3 missions, for a 20-0 final score.

Game 3
This time I was up against Gary Morgan's (Team Wales ETC) Taudar- including 3 Riptides, Broadsides in a Bastion with Buffmander, and a Wraithknight. His full list was:

The game was Emperor's Will/Contact Lost on Dawn of War.

Pre Game
Due to the table, I knew Gary could castle up well, and could use the Bastion to my forces away from his Emperor's will. I won the roll-off and chose turn 1. With hindsight, I could have gone second, absorbed the alpha strike, and done better in the Primary with a Turn 5 swoop. Ah well!

Game Turn 1-2
My Fire Dragons turbo boost over to the Bastion, hoping that Gary will have to sacrifice all his shooting to kill them, and I might even have 1-2 left to tackle the bastion full of Broadsides. I also get First Strike on his Wave Serpent, tucked in his castle on the left. Over the 2 turns I am able to take down 1 Riptide, while Gary's shooting isn't very hot- he has to use everything to kill the Fire Dragons and Serpent turn 1, then Turn 2 he forces 1 Night Spinner to Jink and the Bastionsides kill a Wave Serpent.

Game Turn 3
My Wraithknight has hopped closer and closer to the Bastion, and this turn kicks it down! My Hawks were on top and 4 of them die, but it's a good trade. A Broadside dies in the explosion, and the 2 remaining are forced to fire Snap Shots too. However this doesn't stop them killing another Serpent!
Meanwhile 3 of the Dire Avenger squads decide to Battle Focus and shoot the big guys, but unfortunately the Fleet rerolls let me down on the left and I can't get into range. The yellow squad takes the right hand Riptide to 1 wound though.
Gary brings his Kroot on, and my Night Spinners split their time between clearing them out and trying to snipe Gary's Farseer in his castle. 2 of the Dire Avengers bodyguard perish, and one squad of Kroot is all but annihilated by the torrent.

Eldar Turn 4
The Wraithknight does his thing this turn, killing Buffmander and his friends for Slay the Warlord. My tanks reposisiton and stay safe, and continue to score Maelstrom points. At this point I've taken quite a lead in the Secondary mission, but the Primary is anybody's as I went first.

 Taudar Turn 4
Gary responds by using a Nova Charge move to threaten my home objective with a Riptide, and pulls his Wraithknight forward to threaten my vehicles. Gary also closes the gap in the Maelstrom missions.

End of Game
3 of my tanks block off my home objective, preventing Gary's cheeky Nova Jump attempts. I try to steal his objective, but my 2 Hawks can't wipe out his 2 Dire Avengers, so a Serpent flies over but gets stamped by a Wraithknight. We also tie on Maelstroms, as Gary kills a vehicle to draw it level.
Final scores: Primary Draw, Secondary Draw, Tertiary Win for me, resulting in a 12-8 victory overall!

Post Game
That was close! As I said earlier, I think going second could have won me the game here, as my Serpent Shields would have got me through the alpha strike, except for the Bastionsides. However it's far from certain, as he might have been able to get through 2-3 serpents in turn 1 which would have killed off the game.

Day 1 Summary
I'd managed to go 3-0 on Day 1, so I was happy. All of the games were close and at times in the balance, so I was glade to be able to get a good result each round.
Getting the 3 wins meant that on Sunday I only really needed 1 win to guarantee qualifying. I was sat on 46 points, with full paint score, so with about 20 points tomorrow I would almost certainly be through.

Part 2 is now up here, where I face off against Daemons, Eldar/Dark Eldar and Eldar/Tau!

Thanks for reading!


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