Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Warhammer Fantasy Battle Report: Wood Elves vs High Elves, 900pts

This week I played a Warhammer Fantasy game for our club's escalation league, against Jay and his High Elves. It was painting score week again, but sadly I wasn't able to finish anything, and as we only get points for fully painted and based stuff I didn't get any more painting points. However, I could still get some more playing points!



Loremaster of Hoeth
10 Sea Guard
10 Archers
20 White Lions
2 Repeater Bolt Throwers

Some good artillery and shooting, backed up by a tough combat block!
I would have to kill the bolt throwers fast before they could cut apart my infantry, and I needed to keep well away from the White Lions.
I was using:

Spellweaver, Level 4, Dispel Scroll, Obsidian Lodestone, Elven Steed
5 Sisters of the Thorn
15 Glade Guard, Trueflight Arrows, Musician
2x 5 Deepwood Scouts, Hagbane Tips
5 Waywatchers
Great Eagle

Magic: Jay's Loremaster had all 8 signature spells from the rulebook.
My spellweaver had Hand of Glory, Soul Quench, Drain Magic, and Walk Between Worlds. The Sisters had Curse of Anraheir and Shield of Thorns.

Jay was deploying first, and set up his bolt throwers last to ensure they could see all my units. However after scout deployment and vanguard moves I felt a bit safer- the Waywatchers scouted in the corner, while both units of Hagbane scouts went on the other side. Jay won the roll off, took turn 1.

High Elves Turn 1
Jay pushes forward with the White Lions and Archers. One bolt thrower faces the Waywatchers, while the other looks to team up with the Sea Guard and shoot the Scouts. His shooting isn't great though, and he only manages to kill 2 Scouts due to the heavy modifiers. He also fails to wound with both the hits on my Waywatchers! The Winds of Magic are 3+1, so Jay puts all his dice into Wildform on the White Lions, and I succeed in putting all my dice to stop it.

Wood Elves Turn 1My Eagle lines up a charge on a Bolt Thrower, while the 8 remaining poison scouts do a wound to the other, The Waywatchers wound the one ready to face the eagle. The Trueflight arrows manage to pierce the Loremaster's armour twice, as he was on his own. My magic phase is similarly uneventful, with all 3 of my dice going into Soul Quench on the Archers, which is dispelled.

Wood Elves Turn 2 Onwards
In the High Elves turn, Jay reformed the archers to try and shoot the Waywatchers next turn (as they had no musician so couldn't perform a Swift Reform). The White Lions failed a 10" charge into my Trueflight Glade Guard, taking 2 casualties for their efforts. The Sea Guard tried to shoot the scouts, and killed one (needing 7s to hit!), and the 2 left panicked. One Bolt Thrower took 2 wounds from the Eagle, while the other was unable to hit my Scouts. Jay's magic phase was eventful- we had 9 vs 6, so he started with Wyssan's on the White lions, which I let go, followed by a 3 dice boosted Fireball on my Sisters. He managed to cast it irresistibly, but due to my 2+ Ward vs magic I was okay. On the resulting miscast, he suffered a Dimensional Cascade! Although he survived the Str 10 hit even with 1 wound remaining, he didn't survive being sucked into the warp!
In my turn, the scouts didn't rally. However the others killed a bolt thrower, which panicked the Sea Guard. I got a strong magic phase, 10 vs 5, and was able to cast Soul Quench on the Archers to kill 1, Hand of Glory on the Waywatchers who killed another 8 Archers, as well as Drain Magic and Curse of Anraheir on the White Lions. The Trueflights and Blackbriar Javelins killed 5 more White Lions. In other news, the Eagle charged the bolt thrower, and the remaining elf crewman hit and wounded, slaying the bird!

Unfortunately Jay had to leave early, so we decided not to start another turn. However Jay didn't have too much left due to some unfortunate rolls, so he conceded to the Wood Elves. Athel Loren 1, Ulthuan 0!

After Action Thoughts
I loved the Waywatchers this time, and Hand of Glory on them is awesome. I much preferred this list to last week's, and the poison scouts were solid too. The Eagle again wasn't great, I think I need more experience playing it. Jay left his Loremaster out of a Unit due to having rolled a Dimensional Cascade on his Wizard the last 4 weeks in a row, and unfortunately his paranoia was proved valid as it happened again!

Next week we're going up to 1200pts- I'm thinking another Eagle, and some more Trueflight Glade Guard to split the unit into 2x 10. I also want to try out a Branchwraith, with Lore of Undeath, for some shenanigans! With the remaining 90pts, I think I'll get a musician (or maybe a standard) for my Sisters and a 3rd unit of Hagbane Scouts.

That's it for the battle report. A quick apology- I'm sorry several of the games have had to end early recently, resulting in much shorter reports, and also that my picture-taking has been lax; I'm endeavoring to play a full game soon though! I also played a Warmachine/Hordes game last week that will be posted soon :)

Thanks again for reading!


Sunday, 16 November 2014

Warmachine/Hordes Battle Report: 50pts Legion vs Trollbloods!

Hello! This week I played my first ever 50pts game of Warmachine/Hordes, against Byron and his Trollbloods! I was excited to have a "tournament style" game at last, and I was pleased that it hasn't taken me too long since I started playing either. I used a different Warlock too, Thagrosh, Messiah of Everblight, as I was finding Lylyth to be a bit repetitive. I still don't have any units, but I'm not really sure what I need and as they're relatively expensive I'm holding back for now.


I had a new list, with Thagrosh2 (or rather Thagrosh2's legs...), and a whole load of beasts and support solos!

Thagrosh, Messiah of Everblight (+3)
Strider Deathstalker
Strider Deathstalker

This list was focused on aggression, in a similar style to my Lylyth2 list, except all with melee rather than shooting. The Deathstalkers made it in to help clear charge lanes, but other than that the plan was advance strongly round 1, then charge turn 2 with Manifest Destiny and Thagrosh's Feat to hopefully assassinate the enemy caster, or do enough damage that I can win on attrition. It's quite high risk, but luckily Thagrosh can camp quite a few fury at once and he's not exactly short of transfer targets! I don't yet own any units, but it seemed like the list would be really fun to play!

Byron had the following:
Madrik Ironhide, World Ender (Epic)
Dire Troll Mauler
Fell Caller Hero
Stone Scribe Chronicler
Trollkin Champion Hero
Krielstone Bearer and Stone Scribes (Leader +5)
Stone Scribe Elder (UA)
Pyg Burrowers (Leader +9)
Trollkin Champions (Leader +5)
Skaldi Bonehammer (UA)
Trollkin Fenblades (Leader +9)

Byron told me afterwards he was actually 1pt over, but I didn't mind- he was a very generous opponent, letting me take back a couple of mistakes and helping me throughout my activation.
I don't know enough about Trolls to really talk about the list in depth, but it was certainly very intimidating, with a huge number of models, many with multiple wounds and/or Tough, which turns dying into being knocked down on a 5+!

I don't know the name, but there was 1 flag each side- you could dominate (caster base-to-base, no enemy in 4") your opponent's flage for 2pts, control (any model base-to-base, no enemy in 4") your opponent's flag for 1pt, or dominate your own flag for 1pt. There was also a "killbox", so the casters had to not be completely within 14" of the board edge after turn 1.

I lined up my stuff, spacing carefully to avoid the multiple Abominatons in my list causing too many command checks. I essentially went symmetrical- Thagrosh2 central, then Forsaken, Scythean, Lesser, Lesser, Raek, Raek, with the Succubus behind Thagrosh2. The Deathstalkers Advance Deployed on the left opposite some single wound infantry, hoping Tough Checks didn't hinder their Snap Fire/Sniper combo too much.
Byron countered by bricking up, his army forming a huge mass of Troll-flesh, with Madrak2 somewhere in the middle! The Pygs Advanced Deployed away from the Deathstalkers, planning to burrow early on.

Round 1
My stuff runs or walks forwards, using just enough Fury so I can manage it. My Deathstalkers are out of Range. Byron also walks or runs towards the middle, and his Pygs burrow so they can't be attacked.

Legion Turn 2 Onwards
In my 2nd round, Thagrosh2 activated, used his Feat and cast Manifest Destiny, camping the other 4 fury. 3 of the Raeks got Tenacity, and 1 of the Scytheans had Dragon's Blood as a free upkeep. My Deathstalkers killed one of the Fennblades and knocked another 2 down, so the Shredder and Harrier on the left went after the survivors. The 4 Raeks and 2 Scytheans all charged and made a big mess out of Byron's various infantry around Madrak, and then on the feat they were joined by 2 of the Shredders to attack Madrak himself who had no transfers, and only 2 Grim Salvation targets! 1 Raek didn't get in, and after all my extra Manifest Destiny attacks, Madrak was left on about 5 health! So close!
In Byron's turn, he also used his feat, so that each of his models can make a normal melee attack against everything in melee range. The Pygs arrived and decided to join in against the beasts, and between all his stuff Byron was able to kill both Scytheans, 3 Raeks and 2 Shredders! He was also able to pop a Forsaken.
Due to the immense length of time our back-to-back feats had taken, we had to stop the game early there after only 2 rounds unfortunately, so we called it a draw.

After Action Thoughts
Thagrosh2 is fun! He's similar to Lylyth in his "feat or bust" playstyle, but I think he's much more fun with his all his beasts and melee attacks. Looking towards the rest of the game, neither of us had any Control points, so I think it would have come down to assassination; on my next turn a Forsaken with 5 Fury had to kill 1 Pyg Burrower, and the I could charge with a 7 fury Thagrosh2 on a 0 fury Madrak2, with only 2 warrior models close enough for Grim Salvation. However if that had failed or he'd passed his Tough checks, I'd have died faster than you can say "no transfers available". Regarding my list, I think the 2 Scytheans would be better as 2 Angelius, as they can use the armour pierce attack to improve some match-ups, and with the Feat they can strike and retreat if needs be, helping me on scenario too, along with their fantastic "repulse" animus letting them escape very well!

Comparing this game with 40k, I think it really highlights the need for good play around orders of activation, and model placement. That extra Raek could have won me the game with better placement, but it's good to have something to work on. If you can get your placement and ordering correct, you can pull off more combos and more powerful ones, which are great ways to win such a fast-paced game.
From my first impressions, deployment is not as tactical, and terrain is less important (however that could be due to not having used too much). Deployment does seem like variations of "line up and run at each other" here, whereas in 40k there's much more to it than that. I think that mainly comes from the central nature of the objectives, the cumulative scoring rather than end-game and how quickly you can win a game, normally in 1-2 rounds of controlling objectives, all of which force players to get their armies into the middle of the board, and fast. Smaller boards and smaller forces, as well as the "control area" mechanic keeping things central also encourage straightforward deployment. I'm not saying this is bad, as this game is very tactically complex in other areas; I'm just comparing it to 40k, where placement can be almost perfect due to pre-measuring anything at any time, and order of activation is less important due to the "army moves, army shoots, army assaults" nature of the game.

I really enjoyed my first ever 50pts game, and I've got another one arranged for this Tuesday which I'll also be blogging. It's against Retribution of Scyrah if I remember correctly. Until then, thanks again for reading!


Saturday, 8 November 2014

Warhammer Fantasy Battle Report: Wood Elves vs Skaven, 900pts

Hello again! This week I played Andy, a regular Warhammer Fantasy opponent, and his Skaven. We played twice, but I only got pictures the second time, and the first was over very quickly- he managed to turn my Sisters of the Thorn and Level 4 Wizard into Clanrats and Wither/Plague combo my Glade Guard in the same Magic Phase, so we called it there.
The game was for the Warhammer Escalation league running at our club, and this week we'd moved up to 900pts. Due to the new Warhammer FAQ, we also got 50% Lords & 50% Heroes, which meant it was time for a Level 4 Wizard!

My list was slightly changed from the previous weeks:

Spellweaver, Level 4 (High Magic), Steed, Obsidian Lodestone, Dispel Scroll
15 Glade Guard, Trueflight Arrows, Musician
5 Sisters of the Thorn
5 Waywatchers
1 Great Eagle

I decided to try the Waystalker/Waywatcher combo instead of the poison scouts, and try to Hand of Glory them every turn so that I could still multi-shot effectively. The Level 4 with High Magic is something I want to use in bigger games, and I think the lore has lots of versatility, not to mention a really cool attribute- whenever you successfully cast a spell and it isn't dispelled, you gain a "protection counter" that negates the next unsaved wound. It sounds simple, but it's easy to start building them up and then your Wizard and accompanying unit become very durable!

Andy was using the following Skaven list:

Grey Seer, Warp Energy Condenser
Warlock Enginner, Doomrocket
40 Clanrats, Hand Weapon/Shield, Full Command
Poisoned Wind Mortar
6 Rat Ogres, 2 Packmasters and 1 Clan Moulder Packmaster
5 Giant Rats, 1 Packmaster
Warp Lightning Cannon
Lots of bodies! I thought I could avoid the Rat Ogres, and I'd have to kill the Cannon with the Eagle as soon as possible. The big brick was the main threat however, keeping his characters safe so 1 could hit me with the Doomrocket and the other transfigure me into Clanrats!

Spellweaver: Soul Quench, Hand of Glory, Tempest, Fiery Convocation
Sisters of the Thorn: Shield of Thorns, Curse of Anraheir
Grey Seer: Dreaded 13th, Warp Lightning, Skitterleap, Plague

We randomly generated the terrain again, and had a couple of "fancy" pieces- the hill on my left was an Anvil of Vaul, while just to my right of the river was a Bane Stone.
I was finished first, so got +1 to the roll for first turn and won it!

Wood Elves Turn 1
My Eagle makes a bee-line (or bird-line) for the Warp Lightning Cannon (behind the Giant Rats, it was a proxy), but makes sure he can't be charged. The Sisters advance towards the Clanrat block and try Fiery Convocation with all but 1 of my dice, but it is dispelled. I try Hand of Glory on the Waywatchers with my final dice, but I fail on a natural 2!. The Glade Guard and Waywatchers trim off a few Clanrats with shooting.

Skaven Turn 1
Andy movesthe Rat Ogres ready to occupy the building, and tries to block my Eagle with the Giant Rats. The Clanrats and Mortar advance, before Andy throws all of his dice into the Dreaded 13th on my Sisters. Luckily it isn't irresistible, so I use my Dispel Scroll. In the Shooting Phase, his Warp Lightning Cannon blows up 3 of the Waywatcher unit, while the Doomrocket lands smack in the middle of my Glade Guard, hits all 15 of them and kills 12. Ouch! They panic, and eventually flee off the table.

Wood Elves Turn 2
I need a big turn here, as Andy will surely win the attrition. I checked the rules for Flying models, and found that they are able to charge over intervening units, so the Great Eagle can get the Warp Lightning Cannon after all! Meanwhile my Sisters move to start clearing up the Giant Rats, but the Spellweaver splits off, hoping for a big Magic Phase. The Waywatchers don't move, hoping to get a Hand of Glory to help them out. In Magic, I roll reasonably, and throw 5 dice into Fiery Convocation which is cast irresistibly! After the dice are rolled, 22 of the 34 remaining Clanrats are dead, and the miscast caused me to suffer a wound use a protection counter, and drained a single dice. I had 1 dice left, and cast Hand of Glory, but Andy threw all 5 dispel dice at it and it was no more.
The Clanrats panicked after having so many ranks depleted however, which was a huge swing!
The waywatchers trimmed a couple more clanrats, sending them below 25% and killing the Warlock Engineer. However as Andy still had the Grey Seer they could rally normally.
In combat, the Eagle breaks the cannon and fails to catch it.

Skaven Turn 2
The Clanrats fail to rally! They keep running, but should have another chance or two. The Warp Lightning Cannon also continues to flee, while the Rat Ogres occupy the building. Andy's turn is pretty quiet overall- his magic is mostly out of range, and my Eagle passes its Toughness test from Plague. He does dispel Fiery Convocation though.

Wood Elves Turn 3
I try to push for the win- my Eagle chases the Warp Lightning Cannon off the table, while my Wizard aims at both Clanrats and Rat Ogres. I cast a boosted Soul Quench on the Clanrats, reducing them to 5 plus the Grey Seer- however I didn't realise that fleeing units don't take panic tests, else I'd probably have targeted the Rat Ogres.
I don't have much shooting left, and it doesn't achieve much this turn/

Skaven Turn 3
The Clanrats again fail to rally and are millimetres from the, so Andy leaves the building with his Rat Ogres, and Skitterleaps his Grey Seer inside before the unit runs off the table next turn. Clever play! He tries to cast some spells to thin me out but unfortunately the Winds of Magic aren't with him and he can't do much.

Wood Elves Turn 4
My Spellweaver pushed a boosted Soul Quench through irresistibly on the Grey Seer and loses another wound protection counter in the fallout. However the Grey Seer fares considerably worse, even with his 4+ Ward Save, and he is dead. The Giant Rats flee from the Sisters' Javelins, while the Waywatchers avoid the arc of the Rat Ogres.
At this point we call the game, as Andy has only 1 Rat Ogre unit left and it's quite easy for me to avoid them for the rest of the game.

After Action Thoughts
Magic is brutal! After the first game where he destroyed me with it in one round, almost the same happened in reverse this time. It turned out to be "who can cast the big spell 1st", and luckily it was me this time. However I'm sure as the points increase and we have bigger armies around the wizards, the balance will change as there's only so many power dice and they can only have so much influence. This game was fun, and we're both continuing to learn the rules- Flying units being able to charge over intervening units was a big deal this game, and I felt bad for Andy because he had no idea it was the case. I only found out that turn when I checked the rules to see how it worked! It's really interesting coming in from knowing very little about a game, and certainly different to 40k.

Thanks for reading, and thanks again to Andy for the great match. I'm already looking forward to next week's games, and I'm hoping to play both Fantasy and Warmahordes, or even 2 games of Fantasy, and I'll be sure to post the reports up here.


Sunday, 2 November 2014

Starting Warmachine/Hordes & 35pts Battle Report: Legion of Everblight vs Gatormen

Hello, and welcome once again to Back In The Box! This article will be about getting into the Warmachine/Hordes (or Warmahordes/WMH) game produced by Privateer Press, how I'm finding it to play and the main differences to 40k.

Like any wargamer who plays at an independent store (Firestorm Games for me), I can't help but be exposed to non-GW systems. I already play X-Wing, and a few of my friends suggest I give WMH a try. For a long time I wasn't particularly grabbed by any of the factions- I was tempted by Circle Oroboros, but decided on Wood Elves instead. I then investigated many of the playstyles, and Legion of Everblight seemed like a good starter faction- they get around some of the mechanics which makes them easy to play, and they have a "glass cannon" playstyle that I enjoy, as long as it's more cannon than glass!
So from here it was a matter of choosing some models to start with. Privateer Press produce "battleboxes" for new players, with a Warcaster/Warlock (essentially a HQ in 40k terms, but you instantly lose if it dies) and a few models for them to command. However, I went down my own route and bought a couple of Warlocks and several Warbeasts (fancy monstrous creatures that are controlled directly by the HQ) and Solos (support models that can act independently) so that I could mix and match. I chose one Warlock who was good at ranged combat, Lylyth 2, one good at melee, Thagrosh 2, and one all-rounder, Vayl 1. I assembled a small force to use with Lylyth 2- a few shooty Beasts and some Solos for support, so that I could have a 35pt game with someone. While I've played a couple of practice games with friends to learn the core rules and mechanics I wanted a proper "pick up game", and was able to have one on Tuesday against Sam and his Gatormen Minions!

My 35pts list was as follows:

Lylyth, Shadow of Everblight (-5)
Ravagore (10)
Ravagore (10)
Nephilim Bolt Thrower (6)
Naga Nightlurker (5)
Blighted Nyss Shepherd (1)
Blighted Nyss Shepherd (1)
Forsaken (2)
Strider Deathstalker (2)
Strider Deathstalker (2)
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew (1)

Sam was using approximately:

Barnabas the Bloody
1 Heavy Bull Gator Beast (not certain about the name)
1 Light Gator Beast
2 units of 5 Gatorman Posse
2 Feralgeists
Wrong Eye and Snapjaw

We played a scenario called Incursion, which has 3 flags across the centre of the board, but either the left or right one disappears after the first round.

As a beginner, it seemed far less nuanced than 40k- essentially line up either side before running into the middle. I'm sure there's more to it than that, but it still doesn't seem quite so important as in 40k.

Round 1
Sam went first, and moved his Gators up. He also created a few swamps to hide in, so that none of his models could be shot by mine. Sneaky!
In return, I moved my models up but kept distance, so that I was pretty sure I couldn't be charged next round- there's no pre-measuring in WMH, so it's back to judging distances by eye. I was still able to fire at Sam's Feralgeists despite them being out of range, so I hoped for the AOE shots (blasts) from my Ravagores to scatter well into Sam's lines. They didn't, but they did produce some Scathers that caused damage if Sam moved over them.
The flag on my left disappeared.

Round 2
Sam moved stuff up and got ready to score some Control Points by controlling the 2 flags. He kept most of his Gators submerged in Swamps, but did push some forward to try and cause problems next round.
In my turn, Lylyth used her Feat (like a Warlord Trait that you can use once per game, but usually with a strong effect), which let all of my beasts fire an extra shot, and all my models got +4" of range. I blazed away and was able to kill a few of the Gatormen Posse models, as well as the Heavy Bull Gator. I couldn't directly targer Sam's Warlock due to the Swamp, however I was able to target the Bull Gator with the Bolt Thrower, pushing it back and knocking it down, so my Ravagores could catch Barnabas with their blasts and set him on fire! Neither of us were able to score points just yet, but Sam had a lot of models ready.

Round 3 Onwards
Sam moved most of his remaining Posse up to engage my Beasts in melee, and killed both of my Strider Deathstalkers. He scored 2 control points, while Barnabas hid in a swamp. He did take some more damage from the fire though.
In my turn, I realised I was going to lose next turn unless I could kill Barnabas. As I still couldn't shoot him and he hadn't left anyone nearby, I ran my trusty Gobbers next to him and targeted them instead. However I couldn't kill him, so contested with the Bolt Thrower. Sam scored another point, bringing the game to 3-0.
In Sam's turn, he just needed to kill 1 Gobber and my Bolt Thrower to win. He used Barnabas' feat to knock the Nephilim down, and proceeded to beat it to a pulp! He then killed my Gobber with his little Gator beast, clearing the zone and scoring another 2 points for a 5-0 victory!

After Action Thoughts
Well that was fun! Although I lost 5-0, I felt the game was quite close- I managed to do a lot of damage to Barnabas and killed most of his battlegroup, but Lylyth 2's ranged playstyle was effectively neutered by the Gatormen's swamps and spells. I think moving forward I need to work much more on scenario play, and I'm quite keen to try out my other Warlocks, especially Thagrosh 2 and his Beast-heavy list!
Sam was a great opponent- letting me off a couple of mistakes here and there like forgetting to rile or managing fury, and he even took the pictures for me as my battery had died! We'll have to have a rematch in the future.

Comparing 40k and WMH, I think the main difference is that it's primarily a skirmish game, so everything can be more detailed. The beasts have awesome rules and are really fun to play, but they do have to be micromanaged quite extensively.
The scenarios seem really well thought out- scoring throughout the game is a good way to build missions and encourage aggressive play, and 1 flag disappearing was a nice touch. I also love the assassination mechanic too, as it ensures that even if you're losing heavily on the scenario, you can still try a "hail mary" play to pull out the win!

So that wraps up my first Warmahordes battle report! I hope you enjoyed my fumblings with Privateer Press, and I'll hopefully be playing more and more soon!
Thanks again for reading! If you have any comments, or tips about Warmahordes, then feel free to let me know beneath!
