Saturday, 8 November 2014

Warhammer Fantasy Battle Report: Wood Elves vs Skaven, 900pts

Hello again! This week I played Andy, a regular Warhammer Fantasy opponent, and his Skaven. We played twice, but I only got pictures the second time, and the first was over very quickly- he managed to turn my Sisters of the Thorn and Level 4 Wizard into Clanrats and Wither/Plague combo my Glade Guard in the same Magic Phase, so we called it there.
The game was for the Warhammer Escalation league running at our club, and this week we'd moved up to 900pts. Due to the new Warhammer FAQ, we also got 50% Lords & 50% Heroes, which meant it was time for a Level 4 Wizard!

My list was slightly changed from the previous weeks:

Spellweaver, Level 4 (High Magic), Steed, Obsidian Lodestone, Dispel Scroll
15 Glade Guard, Trueflight Arrows, Musician
5 Sisters of the Thorn
5 Waywatchers
1 Great Eagle

I decided to try the Waystalker/Waywatcher combo instead of the poison scouts, and try to Hand of Glory them every turn so that I could still multi-shot effectively. The Level 4 with High Magic is something I want to use in bigger games, and I think the lore has lots of versatility, not to mention a really cool attribute- whenever you successfully cast a spell and it isn't dispelled, you gain a "protection counter" that negates the next unsaved wound. It sounds simple, but it's easy to start building them up and then your Wizard and accompanying unit become very durable!

Andy was using the following Skaven list:

Grey Seer, Warp Energy Condenser
Warlock Enginner, Doomrocket
40 Clanrats, Hand Weapon/Shield, Full Command
Poisoned Wind Mortar
6 Rat Ogres, 2 Packmasters and 1 Clan Moulder Packmaster
5 Giant Rats, 1 Packmaster
Warp Lightning Cannon
Lots of bodies! I thought I could avoid the Rat Ogres, and I'd have to kill the Cannon with the Eagle as soon as possible. The big brick was the main threat however, keeping his characters safe so 1 could hit me with the Doomrocket and the other transfigure me into Clanrats!

Spellweaver: Soul Quench, Hand of Glory, Tempest, Fiery Convocation
Sisters of the Thorn: Shield of Thorns, Curse of Anraheir
Grey Seer: Dreaded 13th, Warp Lightning, Skitterleap, Plague

We randomly generated the terrain again, and had a couple of "fancy" pieces- the hill on my left was an Anvil of Vaul, while just to my right of the river was a Bane Stone.
I was finished first, so got +1 to the roll for first turn and won it!

Wood Elves Turn 1
My Eagle makes a bee-line (or bird-line) for the Warp Lightning Cannon (behind the Giant Rats, it was a proxy), but makes sure he can't be charged. The Sisters advance towards the Clanrat block and try Fiery Convocation with all but 1 of my dice, but it is dispelled. I try Hand of Glory on the Waywatchers with my final dice, but I fail on a natural 2!. The Glade Guard and Waywatchers trim off a few Clanrats with shooting.

Skaven Turn 1
Andy movesthe Rat Ogres ready to occupy the building, and tries to block my Eagle with the Giant Rats. The Clanrats and Mortar advance, before Andy throws all of his dice into the Dreaded 13th on my Sisters. Luckily it isn't irresistible, so I use my Dispel Scroll. In the Shooting Phase, his Warp Lightning Cannon blows up 3 of the Waywatcher unit, while the Doomrocket lands smack in the middle of my Glade Guard, hits all 15 of them and kills 12. Ouch! They panic, and eventually flee off the table.

Wood Elves Turn 2
I need a big turn here, as Andy will surely win the attrition. I checked the rules for Flying models, and found that they are able to charge over intervening units, so the Great Eagle can get the Warp Lightning Cannon after all! Meanwhile my Sisters move to start clearing up the Giant Rats, but the Spellweaver splits off, hoping for a big Magic Phase. The Waywatchers don't move, hoping to get a Hand of Glory to help them out. In Magic, I roll reasonably, and throw 5 dice into Fiery Convocation which is cast irresistibly! After the dice are rolled, 22 of the 34 remaining Clanrats are dead, and the miscast caused me to suffer a wound use a protection counter, and drained a single dice. I had 1 dice left, and cast Hand of Glory, but Andy threw all 5 dispel dice at it and it was no more.
The Clanrats panicked after having so many ranks depleted however, which was a huge swing!
The waywatchers trimmed a couple more clanrats, sending them below 25% and killing the Warlock Engineer. However as Andy still had the Grey Seer they could rally normally.
In combat, the Eagle breaks the cannon and fails to catch it.

Skaven Turn 2
The Clanrats fail to rally! They keep running, but should have another chance or two. The Warp Lightning Cannon also continues to flee, while the Rat Ogres occupy the building. Andy's turn is pretty quiet overall- his magic is mostly out of range, and my Eagle passes its Toughness test from Plague. He does dispel Fiery Convocation though.

Wood Elves Turn 3
I try to push for the win- my Eagle chases the Warp Lightning Cannon off the table, while my Wizard aims at both Clanrats and Rat Ogres. I cast a boosted Soul Quench on the Clanrats, reducing them to 5 plus the Grey Seer- however I didn't realise that fleeing units don't take panic tests, else I'd probably have targeted the Rat Ogres.
I don't have much shooting left, and it doesn't achieve much this turn/

Skaven Turn 3
The Clanrats again fail to rally and are millimetres from the, so Andy leaves the building with his Rat Ogres, and Skitterleaps his Grey Seer inside before the unit runs off the table next turn. Clever play! He tries to cast some spells to thin me out but unfortunately the Winds of Magic aren't with him and he can't do much.

Wood Elves Turn 4
My Spellweaver pushed a boosted Soul Quench through irresistibly on the Grey Seer and loses another wound protection counter in the fallout. However the Grey Seer fares considerably worse, even with his 4+ Ward Save, and he is dead. The Giant Rats flee from the Sisters' Javelins, while the Waywatchers avoid the arc of the Rat Ogres.
At this point we call the game, as Andy has only 1 Rat Ogre unit left and it's quite easy for me to avoid them for the rest of the game.

After Action Thoughts
Magic is brutal! After the first game where he destroyed me with it in one round, almost the same happened in reverse this time. It turned out to be "who can cast the big spell 1st", and luckily it was me this time. However I'm sure as the points increase and we have bigger armies around the wizards, the balance will change as there's only so many power dice and they can only have so much influence. This game was fun, and we're both continuing to learn the rules- Flying units being able to charge over intervening units was a big deal this game, and I felt bad for Andy because he had no idea it was the case. I only found out that turn when I checked the rules to see how it worked! It's really interesting coming in from knowing very little about a game, and certainly different to 40k.

Thanks for reading, and thanks again to Andy for the great match. I'm already looking forward to next week's games, and I'm hoping to play both Fantasy and Warmahordes, or even 2 games of Fantasy, and I'll be sure to post the reports up here.


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