Hi all!
I'll be covering quick round-ups of all my games at both the 40K GT and the 6NC here- they were all a while ago and I didn't take pictures, but my memory is still pretty clear on them! These were my last games with the old Eldar codex. I'll try to do a brief comparison of the old and new book, which I think is best, and why!
UK 40K GT Final
This was at Sanctuary Games in the middle of March 2015, and was freezing cold!
I traveled up to stay with Matt, the Welsh Captain, and we were able to play a practice game- his Knights/Eldar vs my Eldar/Inquisition. It went well for Matt!
My list for the GT was (briefly):
Farseer, summoning stone, bike
3x 5 Dire Avengers, Wave Serpents, Scatter Lasers, Ghostwalks
5 Fire Dragons, Wave Serpent, Scatter Laser, Ghostwalk
2x Night Spinner, Ghostwalks
6 Hawks
5 Hawks
Simple, but effective. The Wraithknight deals with any major threats, while the 6 tanks hopefully shoot the opponent to death! The farseer summons as much as he can, ideally incursion or summoning every turn!
Game 1 I played Miles with Grey Knights and Space Marines, with a Nemesis strike force, 2 dreadknights, and a mini centstar with iron hands (no tigurius) and draigo.
I deployed fairly poorly and myles capitalised with some good deep strikes, nailing my farseer, a serpent, and immobilising another serpent.
My hawks harassed his scouts and I was able to whittle through the cent star, but eventually he wore through almost all of my tanks. I forgot about the Big Guns points counting to the primary and decided not to shoot/charge/kill his dreadknight with the Wraithknight, which ended up costing me a draw to a loss. 18-2 to Miles, very well played!
Game 2 I played Andrew who had lots of Wave Serpents (6-7) and some hornets. I won the roll off, deployed aggressively with cover and he castled behind terrain with hornets in reserve. I was able to get off a good alpha strike with loads of early pressure, killing 2 serpents and leaving another unable to shoot turn 1, then killing all the others over the next few turns. I only lost 1, and when the hornets came on they died quickly without doing too much damage. I was able to start summoning this game, which helped me box Andrew into the corner effectively. 20-0 to me.
Game 3 I played Max Barton (a reader of the blog), who also had 5-6 wave serpents along with a load of Hornets and no Wraithknight. I deployed aggressively into cover, while Max basically lined his Wave Serpents up without too much cover. I took turn 1, and killed 2 serpents. Max's return fire was dampened by my cover, and the summoned screamers just pushed the advantage. We called it turn 4 after his hornets arrived and killed the farseer only to be all but deleted by return fire. 20-0 again to me!
Day 1 finished, and sitting reasonably for a submarine finish (diving early but resurfacing later) on 42/60 points.
Game 4 against Scarab Farm- a terrible match-up for serpents, but I was able to go first and my opponent didn't notice the tall ruins in front of my deployment zone- I was able to land a serpent on each, which along with the barrage and Wraithknight shooting killed all the scarabs turn 1, before they can farm more or reanimate!
After this it was a slog through 2 units of wraiths and 10 Tomb Spyders, and the game finished turn 5 with me controlling more eternal wars and the tertiary, while my opponent won maelstrom. 14-6 to me.
Game 5 was against some Iron Hands and Eldar with forge world- hornets, sicaran, relic whirlwind, wraithknight, summonseer, gorgon-zola-chapter master, the works! I went second, and didn't lost anything to the alpha strike after deploying into cover well. I killed a hornet early game, and reserve 2 serpents and a Wraithknight. I got nothing turn 2, a serpent turn 3 and the other serpent and WK turn 4. Highlights included using the corner to avoid his fire while summoning and barraging his bikes, blocking them off with copious seekers! My opponent brought scouts into my backfield, but my farseer and 2 night spinners were able to kill both Land Speeders and both units in a single turn for some good maelstrom!
Eventually my farseer became a Lord of Change to shoot more stuff, and I was able to play the objectives well after all the Space Marine and Eldar Obsec had died. Finished 14-6 to me, for a 5th place finish!
Very happy, and up from last year's 10th place!
For the 6NC, I added another Wave Serpent full of Dire Avengers.
Round 1, vs England
I played their serpent player Josh, and unfortunately by inexperience with ETC scoring showed through. Although eternal war and kill points were close after a bad start from Josh's alpha strike, he hammered me on Maelstrom and win 17-3. He had triple Wraithknight, 2 fire dragons and 3 avengers. I forgot to take shriek on the farseer and couldn't roll a 6 with bladestorm Dire Avengers for 2 turns, both of which hurt.
Wales won reasonably on this round, which was a great start to beat team England!
Round 2 vs Scotland
I played Scotland's Cent Star, an awesome guy called Tim. I infiltrated with the warlord trait and went first, nearly killing tiggy and nailing both the dreadknights! I made a mistake in outflanking the wraithknight with the warlord trait, thinking this would be more beneficial than alpha striking...
After the alpha strike it was uphill for Tim, and although the centstar was able to slog through my tanks, he couldn't keep up with all the new units I was summoning and so I won 14-6 through a combination of Maelstrom and Eternal War.
Wales won quite big this round, although our wolf star picked up a loss against a Tau gun line when he couldn't roll above a 4" charge all game!
Round 3 vs Northern Ireland
I played a Wolfstar that used 4-5 characters with dogs that had Tigurius and joined a thunderfire cannon from a drop pod that comes down turn 1 to give the star T7!
Luckily I seized the initiative, and summoned seekers to block his movement turn 1! He joined the TFC anyway and couldn't assault them, which was maybe a mistake, before I summoned more seekers and the Wraithknight picked off the TFC, blocking his pile in moves with the seekers to ensure I died at the right time. For the craftworld!
My serpents cleared off his long fangs and various small drop pod squads, while piling more shots into the wolf star as and when. He didn't roll invisibility on tigurius, which was very big. If he had done, it could have been different, but without I won 20-0 with a Turn 6 tabling.
Wales won big this round, against possibly the nicest team you could ever play against. My opponent took the two turns of "what is this bullshit seeker blocking" like an absolute gentleman, laughing it all off and we had a great game.
Round 4 vs Republic of Ireland
I played Ivan's White Scars on Hammer and Anvil, and he outflanked everything. My master plan to block most of one board edge with seekers and hawks was perfect, lining up a big shooting gallery... until he noticed I'd placed a hawk just too far from a seeker, and tank shocked into the gap, allowing white scars to pour in! Not good!
However I was able to shoot down a load of troop bikes and his alpha strike wasn't great, so we pulled an exact 10-10 draw! My revenge for his tank shock was to surround his command squad with hawks and seekers, before performing a tank shock of my own onto his command squad! By covering all but a few models and leaving no room for those under the tank to be placed in coherency with the others in the squad and moving out of the way, I was able to kill 4 of the invisible storm shield grav gun guys! "Crunch"!
Wales pulled out a very close win, our Nids and Daemon player turning 13 points into 19 turn 5 to just get us over the line for a round win!
Round 5 vs Belgium
This round was for the grand slam. I played necrons, with 30 praetorians and 18 wraiths. I forgot to turbo boost my farseer backwards after moving up to summon turn 1, which cost me him. However my serpents were very dependable, nailing a unit and a half of wraiths and 2 squads of praetorians in the first 3 turns, while my Wraithknight slowed down the other units. The hawks harassed the immortals brilliantly, claiming maelstrom out from under them several times.
In the end it came down to some awkward objective placement, but I won 15-5.
Wales won again, completing the grand slam!
After a quick trophy pic it was a mad dash back to the ferry, and home again to the start of rumours of a new Eldar codex...
So those were my experiences of the UK 40K GT and the 6NC!
Thanks for reading, look out for the write up of the ETC and ESC soon, where my Eldar Rainbow Scatterbikes made their tournament debut!
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