Monday, 1 September 2014

An Introduction

Hello, and welcome to my new wargaming blog, Back In The Box (BitB for short)!

My name is Simon, I live in Cardiff, Wales and I've recently graduated from university as a statistician. I've played wargames for 11 years now, starting with a classic Games Workshop 40K demo game- no doubt like many others. I still play Warhammer 40,000 (40k) regularly and I'm also getting back into Warhammer Fantasy (WFB) again. Additionally, I play Fantasy Flight Games' X-Wing Miniatures game, and I'm looking to start Warmachine & Hordes (WMH) in the near future too.

In my time as a wargamer I've played many different forces: Necrons, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Black Templars, Chaos Space Marines, Orks, and Space Marines in 40k; Skaven and Wood Elves in WFB; and Imperials for X Wing. From my research into WMH, I like the look of the Legion Of Everblight, so they'll be the faction I start with. This blog will primarily focus on my Eldar, Wood Elves, and starting Legion of Everblight.

Since I started this hobby, I've always enjoyed the competitive side as well as the creative side. The past couple of years I've made more of an effort to attend several tournaments a year, including from last year the annual 40K GT in the UK. I managed to scrape through qualifying with my Necrons, then with my Beastpack Eldar/Dark Eldar I achieved a 10th place finish at the finals, which I was quite happy with. I'm hoping to qualify again this year, and I'll be at the first heat in Firestorm Games, Cardiff, as it's closest to where I live.

What I normally have to say to my Dire Avenger squads after the Wave Serpent dies...

I decided I wanted to start blogging after many discussions with my friends, to give myself an outlet for my myriad ideas, thoughts and theories about this hobby. So what will I be posting about? Well the main thing I aim to do is write up all my weekly games as battle reports, alongside live tweeting them on the BitB Twitter account here, as well as blogging about any tournaments I attend. I'll also try to cover any major wargaming news stories too.
For 40k, I'm going to do a "Road to the GT" series building up to the first heat on the 27/28 of September, with some list analysis and theory, then hopefully I'll follow that up with a "Road to the Finals" series if I manage to qualify again. For WFB, I'll be charting my progress in picking up the game once more, in addition to the battle reports and live tweets. I plan on a similar series for WMH, around my experience learning a totally new system. I'm not playing so much X-Wing currently, but I'll hopefully be able to get a few games and articles in nonetheless.

I'll try and get some pictures of my Eldar army up over the next few days, along with the first battle report!

Well that concludes my introduction! Thanks for your time, and I hope you enjoy reading the blog as much as I do writing it. Naturally feel free to comment on any of the posts!


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