This game was 1650 points, as a practice match for the first UK 40k GT heat, held in Cardiff at the end of September. We played mission 4 (mission pack here)- the primary mission was Eternal War: The Relic, the secondary mission was Maelstrom of War: Spoils of War, and the tertiary mission was to achieve as many of First Strike (kill a unit in your own first turn, achievable by both players), Slay the Warlord and Linebreaker as possible. The primary mission is worth 10 tournament points to the winner, the secondary is worth 6 TPs, and the tertiary is worth 4 TPs to whoever achieves the most out of the three objectives. If you draw any of the missions, you each score half the points.
I'd also like to apologise for failing to live-tweet the game via my blog's twitter account. I thought it would be a good idea, but the mysterious Dark Gods of mobile internet decided that it was not to be and I wasn't able to post anything from my gaming club. I'll try again in future, but this could be a recurring problem.
I used a list I've been working on for a while, that I plan to use at the heat- essentially it's a "serpent spam" army, but with some variation in the supporting elements. I'll do another post discussing the list in more detail soon.
Primary Detachment: Combined Arms Detachment
Faction: Iyanden Eldar
Autarch, Scorpion Chainsword
5 Dire Avengers, Wave Serpent, Twin-Linked Scatter Lasers, Shuriken Cannon Upgrade
5 Dire Avengers, Wave Serpent, Twin-Linked Scatter Lasers, Shuriken Cannon Upgrade
5 Dire Avengers, Wave Serpent, Twin-Linked Scatter Lasers, Shuriken Cannon Upgrade
5 Dire Avengers, Wave Serpent, Twin-Linked Scatter Lasers, Shuriken Cannon Upgrade
Faction: Iyanden Eldar
Autarch, Scorpion Chainsword
5 Dire Avengers, Wave Serpent, Twin-Linked Scatter Lasers, Shuriken Cannon Upgrade
5 Dire Avengers, Wave Serpent, Twin-Linked Scatter Lasers, Shuriken Cannon Upgrade
5 Dire Avengers, Wave Serpent, Twin-Linked Scatter Lasers, Shuriken Cannon Upgrade
5 Dire Avengers, Wave Serpent, Twin-Linked Scatter Lasers, Shuriken Cannon Upgrade
5 Fire Dragons, Wave Serpent, Twin-Linked Scatter Lasers
Fast Attack:
Fast Attack:
6 Swooping Hawks
Heavy Support:
Wraithknight (Warlord)
Night Spinner
Night Spinner
Drew, my opponent, has a beautiful White Scar bike army. I asked him to bring the "classic" tournament style army, specifically including the so-called Bikestar command squad. He obliged, and then some!
Primary Detachment: Combined Arms Detachment
Faction: Space Marines (White Scars Chapter Tactics)
Chapter Master,Thunder Hammer, Shield Eternal, Artificer Armour, Bike, Auspex
Khan, Moondrakken (Warlord)
Command Squad, Bikes, Apothecary, 4x Grav Gun
Heavy Support:
Wraithknight (Warlord)
Night Spinner
Night Spinner
Drew, my opponent, has a beautiful White Scar bike army. I asked him to bring the "classic" tournament style army, specifically including the so-called Bikestar command squad. He obliged, and then some!
Primary Detachment: Combined Arms Detachment
Faction: Space Marines (White Scars Chapter Tactics)
Chapter Master,Thunder Hammer, Shield Eternal, Artificer Armour, Bike, Auspex
Khan, Moondrakken (Warlord)
Command Squad, Bikes, Apothecary, 4x Grav Gun
5 Bikes, 2x Grav Gun, Combi-Grav
5 Bikes, 2x Grav Gun, Combi-Grav
5 Bikes, 2x Meltagun, Combi-Melta
5 Bikes, 2x Meltagun, Combi-Melta
Fast Attack:
Stormtalon Gunship, Skyhammer Missiles
Stormtalon Gunship, Skyhammer Missiles
Heavy Support:
Thunderfire Cannon
Thunderfire Cannon
Ouch! That's a solid alpha strike army, well supported with the Thunderfire Cannons (TFCs) and Stormtalons. If I went second, I felt like this could really sting.
We rolled warlord traits- I chose strategic for the Wraithknight, and with the re-roll for a Combined Arms Detachment managed to get Master Of Ambush (Warlord +3 non-vehicle units get Infiltrate)! This is one of my favourite traits, as it allows me to counter deploy the Wraithknight and 3 of my Wave Serpents (although it specifies non-vehicle units, if a unit with Infiltrate deploys inside a dedicated transport, they may Infiltrate along with their transport, BRB page 167). Here I chose the orange Fire Dragon Serpent, and the red and pink Dire Avenger Serpents, to Infiltrate, along with the Wraithknight. Drew had to settle for Khan's Champion of Humanity trait to get his crucial scout moves.
I won the roll to select sides and deploy first, and split my forces reasonably evenly between the 2 corners of my zone. Drew set up in a fairly broad line- TFCs at each end, Bikestar in the middle and 2 troop squads either side of it. After Infiltrate and scout moves, the board looked like this:
The Wraithknight is hiding away from grav guns in the bottom right corner, along with a yellow Dire Avenger Wave Serpent (also with the Autarch) and purple Night Spinner. The red, green and pink Dire Avenger Serpents are in the bottom left, along with the orange Fire Dragon one and the blue Night Spinner. The Bikestar is the bike unit in the middle ruins. The TFCs are in the buidlings at either end, both of which are reinforced, and the grav bikers are the squads at either end. The first melta squad is next to the relic marker, and the second is behind the Bikestar.
White Scars Turn 1
Drew moves one bike squad onto the relic, turbo boosts the far right squad across his board edge, and advances everything else towards my vehicle cluster.
Drew's shooting begins with his Orbital Strike, using the Targeting Relay objective to re-roll the scatter dice and catch 4 of my vehicles! My Wave Serpents weathered the storm pretty well, with poor rolling and serpent shields protecting against any real damage. However the Night Spinner fared less well and suffered a penetrating hit followed by an Explodes result! First Strike for Drew! The Bikestar couldn't see the primary target (green
Drew achieves a Tactical Objective (TacO) too, securing objective 3.
The Blue Night Spinner has died, and Bikestar is strung out to make use of a Targeting Relay mysterious objective. A melta bike squad has the relic and is trying to hide behind the bunker, while a grav squad turbo boosts across to get into the fight next turn.
Eldar Turn 1
That went... surprisingly well! Not nearly as bad as I'd thought. I still had most of my firepower and could bring almost all of it to bear.
On my left flank, the red Wave Serpent moved up 6 and dropped off the Dire Avengers. The green Wave Serpent (that looks like a falcon...) did the same, as did the orange Serpent with the Fire Dragons. The pink Serpent decided to keep its cargo for now, as they didn't have too much to do, but it also moved 6 to be able to fire all 3 weapons at full BS. Over on the right side, the Wraithknight advanced to just shy of 30" away from the
The shooting phase starts with the Night Spinner trying to barrage-snipe the biker holding the relic, but to no avail. Then the left flank opened fire. The red Dire Avengers shot at the grav bikers near the board edge, doing no damage. Then the fire dragons battle-focused towards them and forced Drew to Jink with his squad. The dragons only killed 1 biker, but crucially forced the grav guns to snap fire next turn, so I was happy. The bottom squad of Avengers battle focused to shoot at the melta bikers, killing 1. Then the wave serpents opened fire. The pink Serpent also shot at the melta bikers, killing off 3 more so that only 1 remained. The red, orange, and green Serpents all shot at the command squad. (NB- the GT we're attending ruled the serpent shield as a hull mounted weapon with a 45 degree total firing arc. However, you're allowed to choose the point of the hull on which you draw the arc from, meaning I was able to keep the tanking chapter master out of arc for the shield on the red Serpent). The yellow Serpent was also able to shoot into the squishy back of the squad, along with the Wraithknight (who forced them to Jink). After the dust settled, the chapter master was down to 1 wound, and just Khan and the Apothecary had survived out of the rest of the squad!
I was reasonably happy with my first turn. however as I failed to kill an entire unit, I didn't manage First Strike. Also worth noting is that Drew had "Secure Objective 4" as a TacO, and due to the Seize the Loot special rule, I was able to steal it from him.
The Bikestar is out of coherency in the middle. It is heavily damaged and the Chapter Master has taken 3 wounds. Next to it is a single combi-melta sergeant, who has also Jinked. The far left bike squad has grav guns, and has also Jinked.
Turn 1 summary-
Primary Mission: 5-0 White Scars
Secondary Mission: 1-1
Tertiary Mission: 1-0 White Scars
White Scars Turn 2
Drew's firepower was quite reduced here, having jinked multiple squads. However he still has the relic, which he continues to drag and turbo boost towards the corner. Both the Stormtalons arrive this turn, ensuring he still has considerable firepower. He positions them well, ensuring they both have shots on multiple targets. The command squad position to launch a multiple assault on the Dire Avengers and green Serpent, needing more than 5" but less than 9" to get the assault to work properly. The jinking grav bikers on the left decide to hide in combat with the Dire Avengers, while the squad near the board edge moves up to shoot the Fire Dragons.
Drew starts by shooting the TFCs, reducing the orange Serpent to a single hull and chipping another from the pink one. The 1st stormtalon shoots the red Serpent, stripping a hull point and forcing snap shots. The lone biker attempts to combi melta the orange serpent, but misses. The 2nd stormtalon then kills the wounded orange Serpent, denying the lone biker an assault. The far left grav squad forgo shooting, while the middle squad annihilates 4 of the fire dragons.
In the ensuing assault phase, Drew kills 3 Dire Avengers on the left who then pass their Ld 6 morale test, letting Drew hide in melee for a turn. The command squad however roll double 6 on the assault, and with the 7th Edition multi-assault rules they all had to engage Dire Avengers! Naturally the Avengers were butchered, but now the damaged Bikestar is out in the open and vulnerable...
Drew didn't manage to achieve any TacOs this turn- they were quite difficult ones, so he rightly focused on killing more stuff.
The Stormtalons arrive and Drew wrecks the orange Wave Serpent with one, the other forcing my red Serpent to Jink. The squad with the relic near the middle of his board edge continue to move away from me. The Bikestar, near the green Serpent, rolls too high to launch its multi-assault and is forced to solely engage the Dire Avengers.
Eldar Turn 2
I decide that the red Serpent, being forced to make snap shots anyway, will shoot a Stormtalon. My swooping hawks arrive and decide to try and drop the biker holding the relic, slowing Drew down, but one of them dies to dangerous terrain on landing and the resulting small blast does no damage. The Night Spinner plans to try and snipe the relic carrier, while the yellow Serpent aims at the fresh grav bikers. The green and pink Serpents both aim at the Bikestar, while the pink Avengers debark and aim at the fresh grav bikers too. Finally the Wraithknight advances towards the melta-wielding relic squad, hoping to pick up the relic as soon as he can.
The shooting phase rolls around again, and the 2 wave serpents make quick work of the damaged Bikestar for Slay the Warlord. The Night Spinner manages to barrage snipe the relic holder successfully, then the hawks try to put some more damage into the squad. They do 5 wounds on 15 shots (despite needing 6s) and then Drew fails 4 saves, wiping them out! Swooping Hawk power! The yellow Serpent combines with the pink Avengers to force a morale check on the grav bikers, who then fail and flee 13" off the board by a hair's width! This turn is going very well for me so far. To top it off, the red Serpent destroys the first Stormtalon with a 7-shot Serpent Shield Spike (try saying that after a few drinks) and the Wraithknight discovers he is claiming a Skyfire Nexus and strips a hull point from the other Stormtalon.
Finally in the assault phase, the Dire Avengers and bikers both derp at each other, doing no damage and then Drew fails his Hit and Run check. The lone Fire Dragon also tries to assault the lonely biker after failing to fusion him, but this turns into a bad idea when neither of us wound and Drew Hits and Runs 13" behind the green Serpent. Oops...
On the TacO front, I am able to score Supremacy (hold 2+ markers and twice as many as your opponent) for 2pts and Assassinate (kill a character) for 1pt.
The Swooping Hawks combine with the Night Spinner to kill all 5 of the relic carrying squad! Pew pew! My Wraithknight advances towards the middle, and the Bikestar is destroyed. The Fire dragon is left on his own after the lone biker near my board edge Hit and Runs behind a Serpent.
Turn 2 summary-
Primary Mission: 0-0
Secondary Mission: 4-1 Eldar
Tertiary Mission: 1-1
White Scars Turn 3
Things aren't looking good for Drew- he has a bike squad locked in combat, a single bike sergeant with meltabomb, and a snap firing stormtalon. He does have the two TFCs as well, so can continue to chip away at my vehicles.
He does so in the shooting phase, the pink Serpent dropping to a single hull point from the first TFC, and with some clever blast placement Drew also nails 4 Dire Avengers with it, and the survivor is pinned. Meanwhile the snap-firing stormtalon simply forces my red Serpent to Jink- as it is shooting at a plane next turn, Jinking has no downside. One TFC scatters wildly onto the swooping hawks and kills 2,
In the assault phase his meltabomb sergeant immobilises the green Serpent while the bikes and Avengers once again stay locked in melee.
He doesn't manage any more TacOs, using his remaining units to inflict damage instead.
The remaining Stormtalon is just in the bottom left corner. Drew failed to Hit and Run with the bikers engaged in melee on the far left. The TFCs continue shelling tanks, and one scatters into the pink Dire Avengers, killing 4!
Eldar Turn 3
The hawks jump to the sky, ready to grab the relic. The Wraithknight moves towards the TFC in the far right corner, hoping to limit any return fire. The serpents line up shots where they can, the red one aiming at the remaining stormtalon so that he doesn't suffer too badly from being forced to snap fire. My shooting is quite quiet this turn- the TFC on the left passes the few saves I manage to inflict. The last fire dragon aims at the last biker again, but Drew's 3+ Jink save ensures he survives. I then battle focus onto the objective, hoping to control it for more Secondary points. Of note is the red Serpent, who wrecks the Stormtalon, which then crashed onto the bikes/Dire Avenger Combat, killing a biker! Just as planned...
In the assault phase, the sergeant auto-hits the green Serpent with a meltabomb, and in the ensuing explosion wipes out the Fire Dragon! The other bike squad Hit and Run out of combat. Meanwhile the Wraithknight slaps down the Techmarine gunner, but as it's at initiative 1 the plucky Techmarine hits and wounds twice with the servo-arms! Only 4 wounds left...
By killing the Stormtalon this turn, I get the "Scour the Skies" TacO for another Secondary point.
My Wraithknight punches out the right hand TFC, while my vehicles line up shots as best they can. The bike squad next to the pink Serpent hide in melee then escape with Hit and Run at the end of the turn, denying me any shots at them. The lone biker at the bottom Explodes the green Serpent, and the resulting blast wipes out the last Fire Dragon!
Turn 3 Summary-
Primary Mission: 0-0
Secondary Mission: 4-1 Eldar
Tertiary Mission: 1-1
White Scars Turn 4
Drew's 4 remaining Bikers and final Thunderfire begin to realise that they are not long for this world, so try to go out in a blaze of glory. The bikes position themselves between the red and pink Wave Serpents, then they open fire! The red Serpent is downed by a lucky TFC shell after failing its Jink save, while the pink Serpent is destroyed by both units charging and covering it in grenades and meltabombs!
Drew can't do any TacOs this turn, as he's too busy blowing up Wave Serpents...
Drew gets some well-earned revenge, nailing the pink and red Wave Serpents in a single destructive turn...
Eldar Turn 4
Despite losing 3 serpents since my last turn, I am still pretty confident. The hawks precision deep strike onto the relic, and despite one of their number dying to terrain (again), they keep hold of it. Their grenade pack also nails another biker when they arrive. Hell yeah! The Wraithknight hops towards them, hoping to be handed the relic ASAP. I line up a torrent from the Night Spinner on the two bikes, while my 2 remaining Avengers get ready to try and bladestorm any survivors, along with the yellow Serpent.
My shooting is fast and effective- I kill off the 2 remaining bikers from the squad, leaving Drew on 1 biker sergeant with a meltabomb, and a TFC.
I believe I achieved more TacOs this turn, but honestly I can't remember as it was getting late. I also get into Drew's deployment zone, ready to score Linebreaker.
I forgot to take a picture this round- sorry! Just imagine some Swooping Hawks on the relic in the picture above, and 3 less bikers in the squad of 3...
Turn 4 summary-
Primary Mission: 5-0 Eldar
Secondary Mission: 4-1 Eldar
Tertiary Mission: 2-1 Eldar
White Scars Turn 5
By now the game is almost over. Drew tries to kill the Hawks holding the relic, but the TFC scatters wildly and the biker's bolter fails to breach their armour.
Damned servo-skull, forgetting to take all of these pictures! It'll be fixed by next time...
Eldar Turn 5
I move the Wraithknight next to the hawks and pass him the relic (making sure to walk to avoid dangerous terrain), then shoot the remaining biker and wound the TFC. At this point we call the game, as Drew has 1 Thunderfire Cannon left and no way of realistically harming my Wraithknight, who now has the relic.
The scene at the end of the game- my Wraithknight is holding the objective and Drew doesn't have the tools to take it from him. The last biker was just in front of the yellow Wave Serpent. We don't roll for turn 6, as the game is essentially over.
Final Summary-
Primary Mission: 5-0 Eldar
Secondary Mission: 4-1 Eldar
Tertiary Mission: 2-1 Eldar
Final Score: 20-0 Eldar
(10TP for winning the primary mission, 6 TP for winning the secondary mission, 4 TP for winning the tertiary mission).
Victory for Craftworld Skittles!
That was a tough test for the list- scouting bikes are never fun to play against, and I was really worried after Drew seized on me! However the sheer volume of firepower from the Wave Serpents was disgusting at times, kicking out 10 hits on a slow turn, all at str 6+! The Dire Avengers pitched in too, the threat of Bladestorm encouraging Drew to Jink, thus limiting his firepower. MVP has to go to the Swooping Hawks though- they're one of my favourite units, and they never fail to perform! I hadn't originally planned on including them, but for less that 100pts they're an absolute steal.
I originally planned to ally an inquisitor with 3 servo skulls into the army as my second detachment, but decided that the extra firepower of 4 shuriken cannons would be more valuable as long as I could still do well in this matchup, and I think this game shows it can. The white scar alpha strike was strong, but not so hard that I couldn't bounce back. I'm always impressed by my army's ability to withstand enemy alpha strikes, and then deliver one back!
I think one of the key things I improved on this game was not Jinking as often as usual- in the first turn, I was ready to suffer some immobilised results if it meant getting all of my firepower in return, and it really paid off! Drew was a bit more cautious, Jinking with most of his units, and I think that cost him quite a lot of firepower. It's one of the biggest changes from 6th edition to 7th in my eyes, and it's tricky to get the hang of deciding when to Jink or not. Sometimes it can mean losing an extra hull point or a couple more bikers, but it can often be worth the trade.
Overall I really enjoyed the game, and certainly learned a lot about the White Scars matchup. I want to thank Drew again for being so sporting, and agreeing to play against my cheesy Serpent Spam list.
Thanks for reading my first battle report! There'll be more to come soon, and some articles too.
Next up will be a post on the thoughts and design process behind my list, followed by some strategy articles containing tactics you can use against some of the more popular tournament lists. Once again, feel free to comment on anything in the post or ask me any questions in the box below.
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