Sunday, 21 December 2014

Warmachine/Hordes Battle Report: 35pts Legion vs Khador

Hello! This week I played some more Warmahordes, against John and his Khador. He had a 35pt Butcher2 tier list, while I had 35pts of Thagrosh2 and friends.


1 War Dog
6 x 6 Doom Reavers

With lots of Weaponmaster Infantry to chop up my beasts, this was going to be a bit tricky, and this game could hinge around getting the alpha strike.


I had to drop 15pts, so I removed a Scythean and the Blightblades. With hindsight I'd have kept the Blightblades, as they're great for scenarios and could have helped jam some stuff too- they don't really care about Weaponmaster, as they're so fragile anyway!

I lined up, with the Deathstalkers ready to take one side and the Raeks on the other, with the heavies, forsaken and Thagrosh in the middle.
John Advance Deployed his 6 units in a line, spreading out to cover as much as possible.

Round 1
John went first, and ran or charged everything straight forwards, staying out of terrain where needed.
In my turn, I decided against the Feat, as I would only get to make Feat attacks. Instead I shuffled up but stayed out of Weaponmaster charge range. The Deathstalkers killed a few Doomreavers pretty easily. The heavies riled up to 4 and this was consumed by the Forsaken, ready to Blight Bomb some infantry.

Khador Turn 2After the objective on my left disappeared, John pushed pretty aggressively on that side and through the middle, and with hindsight I can see that he was sacrificing everything to win on scenario- I really need to improve that area of my game. He was able to engage both Deathstalkers and a couple of my heavies, but not my Forsaken...

Legion Turn 2
I had a pretty epic turn by "models killed"! The Forsaken both used Blight Bomb, and cleared a bunch of Doomreavers up close. Thagrosh nailed a couple more and put some clouds down, then the Raeks each killed a couple, feated and killed a couple more. The same happened with each Shredder, and the Scythean. The Angelius flew across and nailed one guy, but stayed a little too close.
The Deathstalkers carried on shooting, plinking away at the Doomreavers.
Despite everything that died, John scored a point this round on my right side, and I scored nothing.

Khador Turn 3
John's Spriggan charged and killed a Deathstalker, while the Butcher also shot one. This allowed him to use his feat to kill my Angelius! The remaining Doomreavers pushed up, further trying to jam me. John scored another point, going to 2-0.

Legion Turn 3
After my last big turn, a couple of beasts on my left frenzied. I realised that I was going to have to try the assassination this round, so Thagrosh popped up and tried to Scourge Butcher for the Knockdown followed by a Raek assassination. However it missed as it was just out of Range, and the Raek also missed the headbutt. At this point it became clear that John was going to win in his turn as he was about to go 3-0 up, so I tried to kill his Spriggan with the Scythean just for fun, but to no avail. I did get a point this turn though!

Khador Turn 4
John gets away from the Raek with Butcher, dominates the flag for 2 points and goes to 5-1 for the scenario win!

After Action Thoughts
Yet another loss on scenario! John's list really threw me off, as I wasn't sure how to play and perhaps was too defensive. I wish I'd kept the Blightblades instead of 1 Shredder and Raek, so that I could have jammed or even cleared a squad from a side objective. John played really well at the scenario though, sacrificing his forces well to keep me occupied while he ticked up for the win! I think I'm going to drop a Raek though, as they don't do enough damage, even with Manifest Destiny on the Feat turn, and probably a Shredder too, and then add the Blightblades.

Thanks to John for the game, and thanks to you for reading! In the coming weeks I'll be playing some more 40k, so should have some battle reports using a new Eldar list, and perhaps an accompanying list analysis article.


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