Friday, 5 December 2014

Warmachine/Hordes Battle Report: 50pts Legion vs Retribution of Scyrah

Last week I played more Warmahordes- Marc is one of the most experienced players at my club, so I was looking forward to the valuable experience I could get from our game. Although he has several faction, Marc was using Retribution of scyrah- Steampunk Elves!

Marc's list:

Issyria, Sibyl of Dawn - WJ: +6
-    Sylys Wyshnalyrr, The Seeker
-    Hyperion - PC: 18
Arcantrik Force Generator - PC: 10
Arcanist - PC: 1
Dawnguard Invictors - Leader & 9 Grunts: 10
-    Invictor Officer & Standard - Officer & Standard 2
-    1 1 escort's: 1
Dawnguard Sentinels - Leader & 9 Grunts: 9
-    Sentinel Officer & Standard - PC: 2
-    1 1 escort's: 1

My list:
Strider Deathstalker
Strider Deathstalker
Strider Blightblades

I had a small mix-up with my case this week, so I had quite a few proxies- Thagrosh2 was being played by the giant bear, the Neraph was played by the blue troll, and the unit of 6 small based troll infantry played the Blightblades. Woops! Fortunately for me Marc didn't mind at all.

I won the roll off and took first turn. Marc pre-deploys the 2 huge bases, and then I line up on the 7" line. I put the Raeks to threaten one side, and the 2 Deathstalkers for the other, assuming he'd set up 1 infantry squad either side. The 3 heavies went more or less down the centre, ready to try and smack some damage onto the colossal.

Round 1
I advance to what I think is just outside of Marc's threat ranges, and it is. I'm pretty happy with most of my positioning. The objective on my right disappears.

Legion Turn 2
I push forward, but don't feat as I can't see how it will help me kill much stuff. I get my Angelius onto one objective and the Neraph on the other, with a Harrier contesting too. The Blightblades make their move, jamming or killing a load of Marc's shooty elves on my left. The Raeks push up to block some lanes to stop Marc contesting the objective, so that I should be able to score at least 1 point in his turn.

 Retribution Turn 2
Marc has a charge with Hyperion into Thagrosh2- oh dear. He starts by knocking him down with the Battle Engine, for 7 damage. I decide against the transfer and pop out a shredder to block the charge lane, forcing Marc to clear it with the rest of his shooting. He manages though, and the colossal barrels into Thagrosh2! Luckily I have a camp of 4 fury, and due to the way Marc's damage spikes occur I am able to take 1 attack and transfer all the others out without killing any of my own beasts! However a Raek is reduced to 1 health, and my Angel loses an aspect.
In other news, Marc's Weaponmaster infantry use their Vengeance move to charge the Neraph, who dies quicker than you can say "I should be another Scythean". The Harrier is contesting the flag as planned though, so I take a 1-0 lead.

 Legion Turn 3
Feat turn! I reave back to 7 fury with Thagrosh, spend 1 to stand up (however I am already in melee, so I forget to move up closer and extend my threat range for feat/Manifest Destiny), spend 2 healing the Raek back to 3 health, a 4th fury to heal the aspect on my Angelius, and my last 3 to cast Manifest Destiny- it's do or die time! My Scythean goes apeshit on the colossal and removes the shield, and its entire right side, and starts on its left side. The Angelius swoops in but unfortunately derps on the Armour Pierce attack, and the 2 Shredders also try and take a bite but don't do a huge amount, meaning I'll have to kill it on my feat turn. One Raek and the Blightblades make even more of a mess of the shooting unit, jamming them further and killing another few. The other Raek tries to get in range for a boosted Headbutt on the caster, but due to not moving up with Thagrosh2 I am just out of range at the very edge of his control area. I try a tail attack but it does no damage, and the second fails to hit. The Deathstalkers continue to ping away at the Weaponmasters. With the feat, I am able to kill Hyperion- unfortunately Thagrosh2 is just short of boxing it himself to create a cover cloud. I put a Raek and the Angelius into the Weaponmasters as well, trying to prevent the assassination. A Forsaken bombs them too, but can only kill 1 of them, needing 10s.

Retribtion Turn 3
Marc goes for the assassination as I have no transfers and only about 10 boxes left. He puts on "Blinding Light" with his caster, then goes for D3+1 shots from the Battle Engine... and scores 4. He doesn't even need the 4th, the first 3 doing enough to take down Thagrosh2 and win the game! I was able to get a second control point with the Forsaken, but it's nowhere near enough.

Defeat for the Legion of Everblight!

After Action Thoughts
Another Colossal, and a Battle Engine too! Although I didn't target the Battle Engine, I did manage to take out the Colossal without too much difficulty.
I made a few small mistakes, putting the Neraph in a poor position and losing it cheaply, and not killing the front ranks of the Weaponmasters to decrease their threat range, and one that proved pretty major- I should have pushed Thagrosh2 in closer to the colossal and extended his control area for the feat/Manifest Destiny for the assassination run, and I should have attacked with him later in the activation when the colossal was more damaged, so that I could box it with his magic weapon and create a cloud to prevent him from being seen next turn. Still, I think I learned from these mistakes, so they weren't in vain.
Marc was very generous, explaining rules whenever I needed and even allowing me to take back decisions I realised were mistakes several times. Marc gave me some great advice too, about both the playstyle and the list. After our chat I think that the Neraph wasn't up to much and with Manifest Destiny, the auto-hitting ability of the Tail attack is not that useful, and will probably trade it and the Harrier out for another Scythean to give me some more hitting power.

Thanks again for reading guys! I haven't played any 40k in a while, but I've got a game arranged soon and will be testing out a new Eldar army I've been thinking about!


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