Friday, 5 December 2014

Warmachine/Hordes Battle Report: 50pts Legion vs Cygnar

Over the past couple of month I've been playing a bit more Warmahordes, and at 50pts too. A couple of weeks ago I had a pick up game against Chris and his Cygnar, inlcuding a Colossal that absolutely dwarfed everything else on the board!


Chris had the following Cygnar list (my apologies for the inaccurate nature, I don't know Cygnar very well):

Stormblade-type warjack
10 Stormblades
UA and Standard
Electric Gun UA
Journeyman warcaster
2 Solos that combo'd with the Stormwall for some lightning triangle
The Black 13th

I was using a modification of my Thagrosh2 list from last week:

3 Shredders
4 Raeks
2 Deathstalkers
2 Forsaken

Many beasts and support solos! There is good synergy with  well with

Chris won the roll-off but gave me first turn. He said afterwards this might have been a mistake, as it allowed me to set up my threat ranges first. I set up in a pretty standard line- the left hand Scythean model was a proxy for the Angelius. My Deathstalkers advance deploy on the left, while his Stormblades advance move closer to them.

Legion Turn 1I moved up ready to threaten in a "reverse-delta" formation that tried to keep out of threat range of his Stormwall. I don't have anything in range, despite my Advance Deploy Deathstalkers or his Advance Move Stormblades.

Cygnar Turn 1
Chris advances quite uniformly, and lays down some POW 12 AOEs that remain in play. His Stormblades push towards the Deathstalkers, hoping to make a play for my Objective and Flag.

 Legion Turn 2
I took a long time deciding what to do this turn, and looked very carefully at my threat ranges. In the end I sat back, deciding not to advance and feat just yet. This meant I'd have to weather some shooting next turn, but I wouldn't have to take free damage from the AOEs and I wouldn't be able to get very deep into his lines anyway due to the dense formation Chris was using. The Deathstalkers were able to start making a mark though, their Sniper ability bypassing his high armour and with Snap Fire I was able to kill 4.

Cygnar Turn 2 Onwards
In Chris's turn, he feated with Stryker2, and pushed up into my force with his stormblades and jack, while Stryker himself hid behind the colossal. Chris was able to kill 1 Raek, reduce another to 1 health, and knock an aspect off the Angelius. Fortunately most of my army was still alive, and Thagrosh had enough Fury available to heal all the damaged aspects.

In my third turn, I counter-assault with my own feat. A shredder goes crazy, and hits the 'jack for more than 20 boxes with Rabid, Manifest Destiny and the feat. My Scythean and Angelius team up and lay the smackdown on the colossal. The Scythean charges first and hits with both initials, triggering Bloodbath to kill the Witch Hunter and a Stormblade as well. It then bought 3 more attacks, which knocked out the whole of the left side and made a start on the right. The Angelius followed up by hitting 14 damage on the Armour Pierce, then buying another 2 attacks to finish it off. Stormwall down!

The rest of my forces also activate and start to clear out more of Chris' army, but by this point the store was closing so, with some independent advice we called it there as a victory for the Legion of Everblight!

After Action Thoughts
I wasn't sure how I'd do against the Colossal, but the Scythean tore through it pretty fast and the Angelius finished off what was left, almost without difficulty. I think I'm starting to see the reason people don't use Raeks so much, as although with Stealth, Def 15 (16 with Tenacity) and the awesome Leap, they unfortunately don't have a very high damage output, especially when they can't boost during the feat. I might swap a couple out for another heavy beast, perhaps a Neraph, as I'm interested to see what it can do.

Chris was really friendly throughout the game, and explained all of his models' abilities and interactions really clearly. We'll have to have a rematch one day and get to the end! Thanks again for reading, and sorry for the delay in posting this game compared to when it was played.


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